Thursday, 27 March 2014

10 Things I Love About Losing Weight

I write this full of a cold or some type of chest infection, I'm rattling like an 80 year old. This week my body has craved chocolate and bread due to feeling like utter crap. No one told me that salads would be the last thing you'd want to eat when ill... So what do I do when I crave the two vices in my life. I give in, just a little. I fed my body the sugar it craved from some lovely Green and Black's chocolate (organic at least!) and for the first time in months, I had a sandwich for lunch today.

I believe in listening to the body, sometimes it just needs to delve back into eating for comfort to get you back on the path of well being. Yes, sugar is the number one enemy but sometimes it's good to give your body what it wants. I know I'll be back on my normal routine next week, it's just about balance and moderation after all!  When I'm less ill, if I crave chocolate at night  I normally have a mug of Cadbury's highlights for the choc fix!

So I divert... This blog is meant to be about the 10 things I love about losing weight... I've learnt a hell of a lot about myself and those around me over the past year. Here's just a few things I love about my new healthy lifestyle and how my life has been enhanced...

1. I feel so much more confident. I always thought I was pretty confident but it was always a bit forced in reality. I still have my self-conscious, 'do I look fat in this?' moments but on the whole I feel a hell of a lot more sure of myself. If a guy used to look at me, I'd think he was looking and thinking, 'urgh'. And it's not about the size of your dress... About how you feel inside and how that carries through in everyday life.

2. I can wear jeans and a top. Muffin top... Whatever you call it. We all have the bits of our body we hate. Mine is the tummy area and it's an area I'm still working on but I do feel confident enough to wear jeans and a top now. It might not sound that exciting to you but for someone who could never carry off jeans due to lumpy thighs and a tummy that would stick out leaving me look pretty much pregnant, it feels like an achievement! I still prefer the glamour of a  dress, always.

3. I don't feel self conscious. Now I've shrunk to a smaller size, it's only now that I realise just how much time and experiences I have wasted in my life from being self conscious. This is a huge part of my wanting to make some changes. I often think how my life would have panned out if I had grown up being a size 10... But then I wouldn't be the person I am today if I did. I now spend hardly any time worrying about my wobbly bits, I still have the shadow of the fat girl hang ups hanging over me but slowly they are going. And I feel like I am truly living my life.

4. No more name calling. If you're fat you're gonna be called names, it's inevitable. Just like skinny people are targeted too. Everyone has an opinion on your size and some will tell you without any sensitivity. If you're ready, like I was, it will knock you into the reality of needing to make changes and doing something about it, but only if you want to - for you! No one else... It just won't work if you're not doing it for your self.  I've been called some truly vile things throughout my life, particularly at Hugh school where I was actually scared to go to some lessons. I only have to look back and look at myself today and just think, well thanks! You made me who I am.

5. I know what foods make me feel good.  I know sliced bread doesn't agree with me, so I rarely eat it. I know red meat isn't my best friend so I eat chicken instead. I know dairy is pretty much the enemy so I cut down on the cheddar. I know vegetables give me energy so I eat a variety everyday. I know oily fish is amazing for your skin and mind so I make sure I eat plenty each week... It's just a bit of common sense. Why would you constantly put something in your body that doesn't agree with you, listen and watch how your body reacts and just cut back. Just make sure you feed your cravings and don't deny yourself, you'll just want it even more and totally fall off the wagon.

6. I have a new lifestyle routine. I'd never use the word diet... As soon as that word is mentioned I think everyone must envisage a donut, I don't even think of going back to my old ways... My eating habits just feel normal now. I'm pretty good In the week - high protein and low carb meals - and then at the weekend I allow myself to indulge a little. I walk an hour each day, occasionally do Pilates and do weights. It works for me but everyone needs to find the lifestyle that suits them.

7. Inspire others. The best thing about losing weight is that so many of my friends have said I've inspired them to make changes in their life too. Whether it's tips on healthy recipes, being able to get in their wedding dress, or just showing that if I can do it, they can do it too... It's a really lovely feeling. It has encouraged me to keep on track too, which has been a huge support. My beautiful friend Marga in Portugal, who I think is perfect just the way she is. is also now on a healthy lifestyle and she's keeping me up to date with how she is doing. Doing it together definitely makes it easier. Watch out for our healthy Portuguese-style recipes during my trip there at Easter!

8. Fitting into a size 12. I know it's not just about your dress size but for me this was a proud moment!

9. Being able to wear bangles. That's right folks. Your hands even lose weight. I can now slide beautiful bangles over my hands and onto my wrists.

10. Being more open with friends and family. I realise now I have never truly  been able to open up to my friends and family about my weight until now, now I've done something about it. I've always been incredibly sensitive talking about my weight so I guess my friends never thought it was an issue for me when really deep down, I wasn't happy with myself. My friends and family have always loved me for me, not my dress size, but now they see me happier and more confident than ever, and continue to support me. I can tell them things I've never told them before and that has made us stronger. Thank you.

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