Saturday, 24 October 2015

Lightening the load

It's been one of those roller coaster weeks of emotions, for various reasons. Normally if I have a particularly stressful/bad/sad week, I have a tendency to get anxious and feel like a black cloud is hanging over me. Since I started going to the gym, these weeks are now few, however, this past week has been a tough one.

All week I've been getting up, going to the gym and going to work so I haven't had much time to think. Today was my first day in a long time where I had absolutely no plans. I woke up feeling very low and pretty tearful, and that black cloud was very present. I got up but went back to bed and tried to sleep. I felt even more grey so I decided to get out of my pity pit and put on my gym wear. 

Instead of wallowing in the thoughts in my head, I charged the wasted energy into a workout. I can't tell you how much better I feel from just an hour in the gym, getting my heart pumping and my skin sweaty.

I've spoken before about exercise being a mood lifter but this is the strongest elevation I've felt. I feel more level and myself again. It was nice to see familiar faces too... What I love about my gym the most is the friendliness of the staff and people there. 

I had a particularly great session at the 6.30am class on Thursday where we did circuit training. I knew a few of the lovely people who go to the class each morning and everyone made me feel so welcome. I admit I felt nervous beforehand, mainly due to the thought that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the uber fit early birders! The circuits were tough but we got through it together, and people took breathers when it got really tough. I surprised myself with how far I could push myself. My mood was very much lifted as I left feeling strong and rejuvenated.

I truly believe the gym and gym goers have kept me sane this week. Last night, we all went out to say goodbye to my wonderful trainer, Anna, who has helped me so much. She is sadly moving to another gym but us loyal followers are going to do road trips to her new gym to attend her classes and continue having our 1-2-1's. 

We had a really good giggle and it was nice to see each other out of the gym and out of our sweaty work out gear! We are all different ages and do different jobs, but we have one thing in common, a love of staying happy and healthy through exercise.

It's so important to have an outlet from your working life to ensure you don't get wrapped up in the stresses that come with everyday life. Whether it be playing the piano, learning a new language, reading great novels, or going to the gym!

Tomorrow I have a 1-2-1 with new trainer Jon, last time I saw him I couldn't walk the next day! Wish me luck....

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